BPTLens Lens Distortion Plugin for Bibble. BPTLens is a free plugin for Bibble Pro and Bibble Lite that provides automatic correction of all types of lens distortion from a wide variety of cameras and lensx's. The BPTLens plugin is based on the work of Thomas Niemann and utilizes his extensive PTLens database to provide correction coefficients. The original PTLens is available as a standalone program and photoshop program. You can find it and the latest versions of the PTLens data base at Thomas's site: http://epaperpress.com/ptlens/ BPTLens also makes use of the PanoTools library for low level image correction. PanoTools is a library for image warping and panorama generation origianlly written by Helmut Dersch. Additional information on PanoTools may be found at http://panotools.sourceforge.net/. The version of the panotools .dll used by BPTLens is specially compiled and stripped down. It should not be mixed with the one available on the panotools site. The BPTLens is released under the GPL. Please address all requests for source code to bptlens@bibblelabs.com and be sure to put the word "BPTLens" in the subject. The BPTLens plugin also is the first available Plugin for Bibble. Interested developers may obtain information on authoring Bibble plugins by emailing plugins@bibblelabs.com and placing "plugin" in the subject line. 2006-01-06 Dev Notes Fixed issue with the panotools dll not loading Fixed a small memory leak Added CA options